When I moved to Kawartha Lakes in 2021, it meant that I was leaving my grown up children behind. I was suffering from the “Empty Nest Syndrome” in a serious way.

After feeling sorry for myself for weeks I had 2 choices - sit there and be miserable, or get out and start living. I chose the latter. So, I wiped my eyes, bought a kayak, got my camera out, and started going out on nearby rivers and lakes to explore my surroundings.

I was moved by the gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, and have had many magical moments being alone, self reflecting, and finding peace within myself.

For me time heals and so does photography. It gives me the chance to be still, focus on today, and appreciate the beauty of my surroundings instead of dreaming of the past or worrying about the future. I may take photos because of my anxieties and the need to get out of my head, but it has also allowed me to get back to doing what I love and therefore have built a portfolio that I can be proud of.

I live in Norland, ON which has been coined “The Land In-Between”, I find this to be very fitting as this is where I feel that I am at in life - in between one phase, and another to be.

I hope you enjoy your own personal journey, find your passion, conquer your demons, and find what drives you in life like I have this year in the spectacular Kawartha Lakes.
